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Questions tagged [xml-sitemap]

Use it for the sitemap conforming to the specification.

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2 answers

Can't add sitemap.xml to robots.txt via RobotsTxt module

First time to work with the RobotsTxt drupal module, and I'm trying to add a Sitemap entry (best SEO practices) into the : Back to site > Administration > Configuration > Search and metadata &...
tsukingo's user avatar
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How to configure and add 'Page Title' with XML sitemap module?

After enabling the Simple XML Sitemap module, I couldn't find an option to configure or add fields to the sitemap. I want to include the Page Title as a field. Is this feature available in the module, ...
Josh H's user avatar
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XML SiteMap Show Path to Files

I am currently using the xml Sitemap module. I am trying to add the path to files in the sitemap xml. At the moment, it just shows the location of the content type, priority and the changeFreq. Is ...
fitnessCraze's user avatar
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How to create a sitemap with XML sitemap module?

I understand that XML Sitemap module is the near-standard way to create a sitemap for a Drupal site. The Readme file isn't clear to me about how to create a sitemap. Install as you would normally ...
Kalmax's user avatar
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Simple sitemap news are always in pending state?

To site that is using Simple XML sitemap I installed Simple XML News Sitemap module. Basically I cloned all the setting form existing sitemaps. Also configured article content type to use new site ...
MilanG's user avatar
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How do I limit use of Simple XML Sitemap to certain roles?

For my Page content type, I want nodes created by administrators to be in my Simple XML Sitemap, but I want to exclude nodes created by non-admin users. Administrators have permission to administer ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
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How do I debug/kint Simple XML Sitemap link array?

I am trying to find how I can debug/kint a variable/array from the Simple XML Sitemap? I worked through the documentation here:
Prestosaurus's user avatar
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Simple Sitemap using default instead of website URL I am using above module When I am generating sitemap via UI or drush simple_sitemap-generate command. It is ...
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How can I remove spaces in XML feeds?

I am working on creating the XML feeds for the contents of a specific content type. But after creating XML feeds, I noticed that the blank space is appearing at top of the XML feeds. How can I remove ...
1990rk4's user avatar
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How to completely export XML Sitemap configuration settings?

I have the XML Sitemap installed on a few sites, but due to SEO concerns, I am now tasked to enable the module on all sites that we support. I have an update hook ready, but I'm running into an issue ...
kcsting's user avatar
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How do I update the sitemap in D7?

I want to exclude some pages from the sitemap. I go to these pages/nodes, edit them, then go to the XML sitemap tab and set it to 'Exclude'. I then save and clear cache. But when I look at my ...
MeltingDog's user avatar
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How to regenerate xmlsitemap to https?

I'm new to Drupal community and I wonder if there is a solution to regenerate all urls from http to https? I have already tried to just regenerate and try to update $base_url in setting, nothing ...
Jakub Staněk's user avatar
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Defining a sitemap variant

I'm trying to add a new sitemap variant using Simple XML Sitemap referenced here. For the most part I understand it but I'm not sure where to actually place my definition and use the simple_sitemap....
Vecta's user avatar
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Setting Simple Sitemap Values Programmatically not reflected in form

I'm trying to set some Simple Sitemap settings programmatically. I'm using the following to set whether or not a specific node is indexed: \Drupal::service('simple_sitemap.generator')->...
Esox's user avatar
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Blank spaces opening RSS XML file - How to solve?

All of the sudden, we are experiencing problems with our RSS feed which comes with the Drupal core 7.x . It is no longer valid due to two spaces before the opening XML tag. The following error is what ...
Apoc's user avatar
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Primary Tabs in Google

"Primary Tabs" is coming up as one of our top pages in Google and it takes users to the log in page. I'm not sure what "Primary Tabs" means. Can someone point me in the right direction? I created a ...
Christia's user avatar
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XML Sitemap for Multi-site

I have generated a XML sitemap for multi-site using a free online tool - I have downloaded XML file for each site and placed sitemap.xml at the root (\src\sitemap.xml) ...
Pranay Agarwal's user avatar
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Is it possible to set the sitemap option programmatically using the module Simple XML Sitemap?

On my drupal instance I have enabled the module called Simple XML Sitemap. The problem now is I want to toggle the option to index certain pages programmatically. I can't find out how. Can this be ...
harnamc's user avatar
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How to exclude nodes with a taxonomy term from XML Sitemap?

We can exclude content type, or individual node from XML Sitemap. But, is there anyway to exclude nodes with specific taxonomy term? For example excluding nodes with longlivethetroll tag.
David's user avatar
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Does the sitemap.xml file does from the xmlsitemap module actually get generated?

I see that there is a 1.xml file generated in the sites/default/files/xmlsitemap folder, but I do not see a file in the Drupal root. However, when I call I do get ...
Antonio Hernandez's user avatar
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XML sitemap in Multilingual site

How to configure xml sitemap for multi language site.For translation I am using i18n module and for xml sitemap. Now there are only one link show in NL site map and 26 in default language.
Pankaj Yogi's user avatar
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Fatal Error: Call to undefined function in a drush backup module

I am getting a weird error when attempting to use Drush. Fatal error: Call to undefined function variable_get() in /home/1000/.drush/backups/pantheon/20161102190143/modules/xmlsitemap/xmlsitemap....
cwahlfeldt's user avatar
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How can I access XMLSitemap links from external PHP script?

I have an external PHP script that does a lot of back end processing for a website. I need for this PHP script to query, insert, and delete various links from the XML Sitemap. I want to use ...
vintorg's user avatar
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How to remove a URL from my XML sitemap?

I have installed the XML sitemap module and included all my articles in the sitemap. By default, also the URL node/add/article is added, but I do not want that since anonymous users cannot visit this ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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The directory public://xmlsitemap was not found or is not writable by the server

I have just installed XML Sitemap on a EC2 drupal 8 instance. I am seeing the following error message in the admin report status page: XML sitemap cache directory Not found or not writable The ...
Jérôme Verstrynge's user avatar
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Change Default Value of XML sitemap enable/disable flag

Is there a way to change the default value of a node's XML sitemap enable/disable flag for the XML sitemap module? The default is disabled. I have a large old site that I want to have completely ...
Mike's user avatar
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Moved one site to another site files are refering old site

I moved whole Drupal setup from ex.( to After the move there are some issues. Some Drupal default files are not found error.(ex. close.png ,background.png) because the images ...
udhaya kumar UK's user avatar
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How often i should re-build and re-submit xml sitemap for news website? [closed]

I have an website that get news from RSS Feeds. I build every day 2-3k articles and now i have almost 160k links. So, how often i should re-submit the xml sitemap; (currently i do this job every hour)...
George J's user avatar
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How to add completely custom URLs to Sitemap in module XMLSitemap in Drupal 7

I have a website with which has some different URLs that are not inserted in the url_alias table not embedded into Drupal content system, but they are generated on-the-fly by custom PHP logic inside a ...
Cesar's user avatar
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Best settings for xml sitemap, cron time and submission time?

i have news site for about 7 months. The site get new feeds every hour but google take about 1 day to index them and only few of them. I see other sites that instantly index. "1 hours ago etc". Mine ...
George J's user avatar
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Site map module assigns random frequencies to content

I just created an XML sitemap in Drupal 7. As I click on the 'rebuilt links' button, all my content pages are assigned random frequencies and the module does not give me an option to edit content ...
Flora Merryfellow's user avatar
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Sitemap still contains URLs of deleted pages

I've deleted some products from my commerce kickstart database by means of standard Drupal commerce kickstart tools. But it looks like something gone wrong. Because some deleted pages URLs are still ...
jvb's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I create a sitemap for each content type? [closed]

How can I create a sitemap for each content type?
Sourabhutani's user avatar
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XML sitemap rebuild links on cron run

I've installed XML Sitemap. I can manually rebuild the link in /admin/config/search/xmlsitemap/rebuild. Is there any way to automatically rebuild the links (e.g. when cron runs XML sitemap would ...
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Dealing with errors 403, 404 in Google Webmaster Tools

I know it may not be strictly drupal releated question, but I'm curious what would be the best approach to solve it with Drupal. 403 errors to: taxonomy/term/%/feed I have around 900 errors with 403 ...
Karol Kierzkowski's user avatar
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After run the cron sitemap links are not work properly

After ran the cron i am not getting any error but it did not display the xmlsitemap links properly.please help me what will i do now? I checked in dblogs, there I got this error: You have an error ...
user45535's user avatar
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Add sitemap.xml inside a view

I already generate my xml sitemap with drupal module "sitemap" now i wanted to show that sitemap inside a view. It is possible to do this? Thanks
martinezjc's user avatar
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Need to add custom element in sitemap.xml file

I have installed sitmap module to create sitemap.xml file. Now I want to add some custom element like <expires>2010-10-10</expires> for some URLS.
mvd's user avatar
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XML Sitemap Last Modified Date on a View

The site I am working on has a front page gallery view. Is there any way to update the last modified date of the view in the XMLSitemap file? As currently it is just empty.
chris.fy's user avatar
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Views contextual filter pages sitemap

What's the best way to include views contextual filter pages to sitemap? I need the sitemap and all my pages submitted to Google WMT. What I have right now is a node type Book and a node type Author. ...
designarti's user avatar
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Add view with contextual filter to XML sitemap

I setup a view with the following path (the user contextual filter i added is the username of the). These displays the profile of each user. Please is there a way to add the ...
seyi's user avatar
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How to add link (via php) to xmlsitemap [duplicate]

I have a site where some pages are "virtual". The path is : internal_node/XYZ where * internal_node/% is defined in a hook_menu() * XYZ is a number my "internal_node" callback call an external ...
ZioBudda's user avatar
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Batch update XML Sitemap for content type using VBO - D7

I am trying to update a portion of my Basic Pages' XML Sitemap setting. By default my Basic Pages are Excluded in the XML Sitemap (what I want), but I want to bulk update only some of them (long story)...
nmillin's user avatar
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xml sitemap module : XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document [closed]

I installed the xml sitemap module, when I go to my sitemap.xml page, it give me an error: This page contains the following errors: error on line 1 at column 6: XML declaration allowed only at ...
learner123's user avatar
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How to make XML sitemap to work after transfer from localhost?

My XML sitemap module was installed and enabled long time ago when I just started to make my website on WAMP/ localhost..... Now the site is live and on real host and domain; but sitemap is still on: ...
user1981528's user avatar
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drupal 7 xml sitemap showing nodes that are unpublished [closed]

we have xml_sitemap 7.x-2.0-rc1 and drupal 7.23 core and it is putting unpublished nodes in the xml site map. What can we do?
user avatar
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My sitemap.xml have a different domain and this is an error [closed]

I have created a site with a development domain name. Now this site is online (, but sitemap.xml created by XML sitemap module still contains the development domain name. I have ...
ZioBudda's user avatar
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How do I migrate this module?

I just migrate my Drupal 6 website to Drupal 7 successfully, using migrate_d2d module. Is there an easy way to migrate Drupal 6 xml sitemap to Drupal 7 too? Should I just install the XML sitemap ...
Zafar Shah Faizi's user avatar
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How to tell if XML Sitemap is correct?

I have installed the XML Sitemap module, and enabled the xmlsitemap_menu sub-module. I found how to add the main menu to the sitemap (via this site - no thanks to the module's documentation). When I ...
eljefejb's user avatar
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Removing all "/node/$id" urls from xml sitemap plugin

In my project pages are implemented using Panels module and contain lot of nodes. I've set up xml sitemap module, generated xml, and currently i can see many "/node/$id" urls, but: That are not ...
avasin's user avatar
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