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How to bring a third-party content?

Drupal 7. There is a service, there will send the request, it returns an xml. With the handler present in human readable form. We bring a response variable. How to display the value of this variable on the page? I created a page with hook_menu:

function mymodule_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['serch'] = array(
    'title' => 'Result',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array('mymodule_proc'),
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  return $items;

function mymodule_proc($parms){


In the FORM API I have not found a suitable element. If use it hook_page_alter, I don't know how apply to the content?


or something else....