I would create this using a Custom PHP code in Rules and execute the following conditional code on 'After saving new content of type...' event trigger :
if( count(taxonomy_get_term_by_name('[node:field-tags]')) ) return TRUE;
else return FALSE;
Then create an 'action to send an email'.
-PHP Filter,
-Here the content type assumes the default 'Article' with default Tags field 'field_tags'
{ "rules_tst" : {
"LABEL" : "Test Rule",
"PLUGIN" : "reaction rule",
"OWNER" : "rules",
"REQUIRES" : [ "rules", "php" ],
"ON" : { "node_insert--article" : { "bundle" : "article" } },
"IF" : [
{ "php_eval" : { "code" : "if( count(taxonomy_get_term_by_name(\u0027[node:field-tags]\u0027)) ) return TRUE; \r\nelse return FALSE; " } }
"DO" : [
{ "mail" : {
"to" : "[email protected]",
"subject" : "test subject Toys confirmed!",
"message" : "There are toys to play with!",
"language" : [ "" ]
} }
I ahve included an importable for you to test.