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Views with contextual filter ignores sort order and number of nodes per page

On my site I want to define tutorials. One tutorial consists of several nodes of the same Tutorial content type. The content type has a field taxonomy term reference and a weight, to determine the sort order.

My idea was to have a single view, selecting on Tutorial content type, ordering by weight, one node per page. So far this works. But to only show nodes for one specific tutorial I defined a contextual filter, on the tutorial field. Now only nodes for that specific tutorial are shown, as expected, but this also has the effect that:

  • The nodes are no longer sorted by weight.
  • I no longer have one node per page

I've been looking for workarounds, different settings, etc., so far to no available , so help would be greatly appreciated.

If this is a behavior of views that can't be helped, any other approaches to my use case would also be met with immediate gratitude.

Using: Drupal 7.39, Views 7.x-3.11