Follow [this][1] about passing an array to template. But my array is array of object so I'm getting some errors on the page, this is the one of them:

> User error: "0" is an invalid render array key in
> Drupal\Core\Render\Element::children() (line 97 of
> core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Element.php)

**This is my code :**


      public function content() {
          return array(
            '#theme' => 'my_page', 
            '#text' => "Lorem Ipsum",       
            '#myvariable' => array('key' => $myArrayofObjects),


    function my_page($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
      return array(
        'my_page' => array(
          	'variables' => array(
          		'text' => NULL,
          		'myvariable' => array(),


    <p>Test twig template!</p>    
    {% for key, value in myvariable %}
      Key : {{ key }}
      Value : {{ value }}
    {% endfor %}
**This is the array :**

            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => User1
                    [user_id] => 1
                    [email] => [email protected]
            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => User2
                    [user_id] => 2
                    [email] => [email protected]
            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => User3
                    [user_id] => 3
                    [email] => [email protected]

How the best way to pass an array of object from module to template and render or loop it using twig engine?
