I need a bit of help linking together an event listing and photos taken at the listed event. I have an Event content type that includes date, time, and location fields. I intend to add another field of type Link or, more likely, of type Node Reference that will appear on the content as a 'Photos' link. Here's how I'd like this 'Photos' link to work. Clicking on it should open a page with all and only photos taken at the given event. If the event has not yet happened, or if no users have uploaded any photos for the event, there'll be some appropriate no results behavior. Otherwise, the photos will appear as dictated by the View I'll create for the photos. I'd prefer this be a View of files rather than content. That is, I'd rather keep each photo as a file entity (using the File Entity module bundled with version 1 of the Media module) instead of making each photo a node. How should I set up the field on the Event content type? I'm thinking a Node Reference is best, since I'm pretty sure the associated event photos will be put together using Views. Assuming I do use Views, can I pull this off using a view of files? And if yes, how should I set up the filters and relationships in that view to pull in the applicable photos? I'm using Drupal 7.2.3. Thanks in advance.