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Show more in Autocomplete reference content than the title(id) - Drupal 8

In the Edit Content Page I try to see in the autocomplete field of type reference not only the title (node reference + (id)) but also another field of my chose. Can I do that in Drupal 8 trough a view?

I tried already this with a view and now i can search the right reference but i cant see the other field. (I write in the autocomplete field the content of the other field and I can see the right title(id), but i can't visualize the other field itself )

I want to do this because I have many content with the same name and when I have to choose a reference to the right one I need to distinguish them trough another field directly in the autocomplete.

I already tried what this other answer suggested but without luck: Show node IDs along with titles in Entity reference Autocomplete list And also this one: Node edit form with entity reference - show more than just the title in the autocomplete box

Can be a bug in Drupal 8? or i miss something?