You haven't passed $items
into the function ;)
function material_menu_menu_alter (&$items) {
$items['taxonomy/term/%taxonomy_term']['page callback'] = 'material_menu_taxonomy_page_callback';
Without that you're not actually altering anything as $items
doesn't exist in a global scope.
You'll also need to clear the caches again once you've made the change.
Working code that I've just verified:
name = Materials
description = Redefine the path for materials menu
package = CR-Hub
core = 7.x
; Includes
files[] = material.module
function material_taxonomy_page_callback($term) {
// Calling drupal_goto() here will result in an infinite loop.
// This is the page callback for pages with a URL like taxonomy/term/1 so
// there's no need to're already where you need to be.
// This function is used to build up the new page content for the taxonomy page
// As a test just output the name of the term related to this page.
return $term->name;
function material_menu_alter (&$items) {
$items['taxonomy/term/%taxonomy_term']['page callback'] = 'material_taxonomy_page_callback';
// You don't need to return anything from this function as $items is passed in by reference...anything you change in that variable will be reflected in the $items var in the calling function.
Once installed if I go to any taxonomy page the content region contains just the name of the taxonomy term for that page (using return $term->name
). If it's not working for you the only thing I can advise is to clear Drupal's caches, or check what custom/contributed modules you've got installed that might be overriding your code.