I'm building a traderbot for drupal and I have problems with the namespacing. Something is not working or I do not understand it correctly. I looked on several pages and questions but could not understand it.
The start
I runned all code without namespaces. Then it is working well !!!
I included a project called ccxt. In this project there are classes with the same name. They have a class called kraken and I have as well. There classes are in namespace ccxt.
So mine class should be namespaced. Which is very obvious.
As I do call from drush I need to have a own autoloader.
function autoloader_traderbot( $class_name ){
// Because of namespaces $class_name could be string/string therefore only the last string should be taken
if (($pos = strpos($class_name, '\\')) !== FALSE) {
$class_name = substr($class_name, $pos+1);
(new log)->add(4,'Class name adjusted. Namespace removed from class path.');
(new log)->add(4,'Searching for loading class name : ' . $class_name );
$dir_iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(CLASS_DIR);
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir_iterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
foreach ($iterator as $file) {
if($file->getFilename() == $class_name . ".class.php"){
(new log)->add(4,'Loading class file name (.class.php) : ' . $class_name . ' in filename ' . $file );
require_once tb_adjustfilename($file);
if($file->getFilename() == $class_name . ".php"){
(new log)->add(4,'Loading class file name (.php): ' . $class_name . ' in filename ' . $file);
require_once tb_adjustfilename($file);
So I add in kraken.class.php
namespace traderbot;
Then calling this object is working fine.
But then the problems are there
I also get
Error: Class 'traderbot\log' not found in traderbot\kraken->update_ohlc() (line 48 of C:\www\tb\modules\custom\tb\src\exchanges\kraken.class.php) #0 [31;40m[1m[error][0m
I checked log.class.php.
This is not namespaced so I add
namespace traderbot;
But then I get from php
Error: Class 'traderbot\SplFileInfo' not found in traderbot\log->add() (line 66 of C:\www\tb\modules\custom\tb\src\library\log.class.php).
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error.
But now I'm lost. Because this is just a normal php object so why is it going wrong?