I'm having a strange behaviour while trying to use hook_node_access in Drupal 8 (Lightning to be more precise) and I can't figure out why is doing this. Let's suppose that I want to always allow people to edit a certain content type (I know I can setup role permissions to achieve this, but I'm just trying to understand why it's not working):
function mymodule_node_access($node, $op, $account) {
if($type == 'service' && $op == 'update') {
return AccessResult::allowed();
I always get "access denied" while trying to edit a "service" node.
This is what I've tried to do in order to debug it:
- in reports > status reports there are no node access permissions in use;
- the current user does not have "bypass content access control" permission;
- hook_module_implements_alter doesn't return any other module using hook_node_access.
Is there anything I'm missing?