Changing the module weight will work, but sometimes that can cause problems with the order in which _other_ hooks in your module are invoked.

Drupal provides [`hook_module_implements_alter()`][1] for exactly this sort of situation, so that you can target the order a _specific_ hook is run in:

> Alter the registry of modules implementing a hook.
> This hook is invoked during module_implements(). A module may implement this hook in order to reorder the implementing modules, which are otherwise ordered by the module's system weight.

The code might look something like

    function MYMODULE_module_implements_alter(&$implementations, $hook) {
      if ($hook == 'form_alter') {
        // Move MYMODULE to the end of the list.
        $group = $implementations['MYMODULE'];
        $implementations['MYMODULE'] = $group;

Once you clear the cache your module's implementation of `hook_form_alter()` will be invoked last (unless of course another module is implementing `hook_module_implements_alter()` and altering the order again. But that's a different story).

I personally prefer this method as it's just a simple code change, no need to maintain any changes to the system table in the database.

I'm not sure how well that works with a form_FORM_ID_alter hook (never tried it), but with this method you can at least make sure that only the weight for `hook_form_alter()` need be updated.

Actually looking at the code for `drupal_alter()`, changing the conditional to `if ($hook == 'form_search_form_alter')` would probably work.
