I have an problem to get my jQuery code working with D7...in HTML it works fine but with D7 it doesnt work at all...
the code:
(function ($) {
Drupal.behaviors.exampleModule = { attach: function(context, settings) {
var thumbstart = $("ul li img");
for (var i = 0, ii = thumbstart.length; i < ii; i++){
if (thumbstart[i].title && thumbstart[i].title.length > 0)
var imgtitle = thumbstart[i].title;
$(thumbstart[i]).wrap('<div class="wrapper" />').
after('<div class=\'inner\'><span class=\'caption\'>' + imgtitle + '</span></div>').
// At here the code works fine...
$('.wrapper').find('img').css({opacity: ".8"});
$(this).find('img').animate({opacity: "1.0"}, 300);
$(this).find('.caption').animate({top:"160px"}, 300);
$(this).find('img').animate({opacity: ".8"}, 300);
$(this).find('.caption').animate({top:"107px"}, 300);
the problem is that the top of part is not working (begins at: var thumbstart...) is there anything that i can do? Does D7 need extra librarys/modules?