I need to display a field value available to `paragraph.html.twig` in `field.html.twig`. I have a paragraph type called `buttoncontainer` with a field name called `field_background_color`. I have a paragraph type called `button` nested within that as per the attached screenshot. I need to make the `field_background_color` value available to `field.html.twig`. Let's say `field_background_color` equates to `#333333` In `field.html.twig` I want to do something like: ``` <div style="background: {{ color }};"> {% for item in items %} {{ item.content }} {% endfor %} </div> ``` Is this something that can be done with a preprocess function? I tried ``` function mysubtheme_preprocess_paragraph(&$variables) { $paragraph = $variables['paragraph']; if ($paragraph->getType() === 'sidebar_button_repeater') { if (!$paragraph->field_background_color->isEmpty()) { $variables['color'] = $paragraph->get('field_background_color')->first()->getValue(); } } } ``` ...but it won't output the value in `field.html.twig`. The goal is simply to allow the user to determine the div background color behind the buttons they create. Update: I tried this contributed preprocess function (changed mysubtheme to the relevant theme name btw) ``` use Drupal\paragraphs\ParagraphInterface; function mysubtheme_preprocess_field(&$variables) { $paragraph = $variables['element']['#object']; if ($paragraph instanceof ParagraphInterface) { if ($paragraph->getType() === 'sidebar_button_repeater') { if (!$paragraph->field_background_color->isEmpty()) { $variables['color'] = $paragraph->get('field_background_color')->value; } } } } ``` and added `Color = {{ color }}` specifically to my `field.html.twig` template but got no output for `{{ color }}` unfortunately. I also added: ``` {% set paragraph_parent = paragraph.getParentEntity() %} {% set color = paragraph_parent.field_background_color.0.value %} Color is {{ color }}. ``` ...but that doesn't work in `field.html.twig` either. It does however work in `paragraph.html.twig` templates. I found a very useful link at https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/233977/access-a-referenced-nodes-fields-field-level-templating#answer-233992 that may inform a change to the code. Maybe syntax using `item`? I can return the NESTED paragraph field values using `{{ item.content['#node'].field_background_color.value }}` but I can't return the PARENT paragraph field value. [![enter image description here][1]][1] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/eeCsD.png