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How to disable fields in user account?

The site I am developing has 2 types of profiles: what we call "human" accounts and "alternative users." This is because we needed to create a way for human accounts to create multiple alternative users. The human account is solely for a user to lo-gin. It is still under development so I cannot give precise description and names of these alternative users: think of a human (regular user) wanting to create alternative users. Let's say "action figures" where each alternative user gets to have blog posts, forum posts, etc., under its own name. "He-man" and "Frodo" could be two examples.

Pretty cool and it is all done and working. Now...

When a human user goes to the account they see signature and image fields which never applies to them because the system always defaults to an alternative user for these things when posting. Since alternative users and human users both have different roles/permissions:

How can I hide these fields using permissions? I see that can be used to hide the picture field by setting permissions. How can I hide more than just the picture?

Big Robots
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