**Problem** I want to break the select list on my exposed form into chunks using select list dividers. ![enter image description here][1] However this breaks my search. Any attempt to search with values from that select list removes all results and attempts to navigate to the next page display the following error: "An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator" What is going on? **Set-Up** I have an exposed view form. It has a select list field as one of the filter options. There are a lot of options in the select list, so I've reordered it (away from alphabetical) to leave the five most popular at the top. This seems a little random so I then altered the form to add in un-selectable dividers. (see top picture) http://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/27539/how-to-add-separator-option-in-form-api-select-element (this is for creating forms, I put it into a form alter) function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) { if ($form_id === 'views_exposed_form') { 'Most Popular' => array ( 1 => 'China', 2 => 'Thailand', 3 => 'Japan', 4 => 'Spain', 5 => 'Saudi Arabia', ), 'Countries' => array ( 6 => 'Afghanistan', 7 => 'Aland Islands', 8 => 'Albania', 9 => 'Algeria', 10 => 'American Samoa', .. ); } Is it somehow appending "Most Popular" or "Countries" onto the select list data value, invalidating the select list and throwing errors? Allowed values in my select list looks like: China|China Thailand|Thailand Japan|Japan Saudi Arabia|Saudi Arabia Spain|Spain Afghanistan|Afghanistan Aland Islands|Aland Islands Albania|Albania **EDIT --** Alfred-Armstrong's answer has fixed the first problem. I now get search results. But the form alter is still breaking my ability to change pages. This does however depend on what I search for. If I choose a country it works otherwise it breaks on a blank search. Any more insight would be fantastic. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/Deutd.png