
I want to break the select list on my exposed form into chunks using select list dividers.

![enter image description here][1]

However this breaks my search. 

Any attempt to search with values from that select list removes all results and attempts to navigate to the next page display the following error:

"An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator"

What is going on?


I have an exposed view form. It has a select list field as one of the filter options. 

There are a lot of options in the select list, so I've reordered it (away from alphabetical) to leave the five most popular at the top. This seems a little random so I then altered the form to add in un-selectable dividers. (see top picture)

http://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/27539/how-to-add-separator-option-in-form-api-select-element (this is for creating forms, I put it into a form alter) 

    function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
        if ($form_id === 'views_exposed_form') {
          'Most Popular' => array (
              1 => 'China',
              2 => 'Thailand',
              3 => 'Japan',
              4 => 'Spain',
              5 => 'Saudi Arabia',
          'Countries' => array (
              6 => 'Afghanistan',
              7 => 'Aland Islands',
              8 => 'Albania',
              9 => 'Algeria',
              10 => 'American Samoa',

Is it somehow appending "Most Popular" or "Countries" onto the select list data value, invalidating the select list and throwing errors?

Allowed values in my select list looks like:

    Saudi Arabia|Saudi Arabia
    Aland Islands|Aland Islands

**EDIT --**

Alfred-Armstrong's answer has fixed the first problem. I now get search results. But the form alter is still breaking my ability to change pages. 

This does however depend on what I search for. If I choose a country it works otherwise it breaks on a blank search.

Any more insight would be fantastic.

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/Deutd.png