Im having some trouble in my quest to build a d7 custom node based image gallery module, i've got a lot working already but now I need ajax to load & manipulate comments.

**What I'm Doing...**
I've created a Drupal 7 one image per node image gallery, it uses relationships, EVA and even BBQ for deep linking, when viewing the 'gallery' node, EVA feeds in the thumbs and helpful attributes, ie. url to full image, url to actual node. I have jquery in my gallery node which ajax preloads the full images on thumb click & manipulates them for fast dynamic full screen browsing, it works perfectly! ...even the BBQ deep-linking which was difficult.  Some of my gallery display js code is based on

**Current Status...**
Im trying all angles to bring in the comments... Using pure jquery, as I've tried, returns too much forcing a whole node to load to just pull out the comments.  Now I have finally figured out the menu callback system... I had no idea that was even there! lol amazing stuff, so im playing around with that now to see what I can bring in that way. Also, I am unsure about Services & Json or the views json output module and if that would be useful to me in this situation?  Would json be better to call comments?

**The Possible Solution...?**
I have created another module that places a nodes comments and its comment-form in a block which gets its nid context from the url...  It works great on the image nodes page. Id like to have this block on my gallery page and update its node context with ajax, that would be perfect! I'm unsure how to change it so that instead of "only nodes in page view" I can push an nid at the block and refresh it.

    function commentblock_block_view($delta) {
      $block = '';   
      switch($delta) {
        case 'comment_form_block':
            // Only nodes dressed in page view.   
            if ((arg(0) == 'node') && is_numeric(arg(1)) && (arg(2) == NULL)) {
              $node = menu_get_object('node');
              // Only display the form if we are allowed to post comments.
              if (user_access('post comments') && $node->comment > 1) {
                $block['subject'] = t('What do you think?');
                //load only the form
                //$block['content'] = drupal_get_form("comment_node_{$node->type}_form", (object) array('nid' => $node->nid));
                //load form+all comments
                $block['content'] = comment_node_page_additions($node);         
      return $block;

**Ajax_comments Module**, Im likely going to lift a lot of code from that project and/or figure how make it work with my setup, as it is it only works on full node displays...

I've yet to fully understand passing around the nid context to trigger things.  Seems like I should probably learn that huh? lol more digging to do...

Well thats where im at, any suggestions or feedback is welcome!