How can I edit the user profile template in Drupal 7?

I've created a module called sporthron in my project.

sporthron.module contains : 

     * Implements hook_theme().
    function sporthron_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
      $theme = array();
      $theme['user_profile'] = array(
        'template' => 'user-profile',
        'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'sporthron') . '/templates',
      return $theme;

And here is the path to the template :
/sites/all/modules/sporthron/templates/user-profile.tpl.php which contains :

    <div class="profile"<?php print $attributes; ?>>
      <?php print render($user_profile); ?>

But this template is never used. Whatever edit I made is not applied.

And yes my module is enabled. Do you know how can I apply this template