I have some custom Javascripts.  at the part of code I want to leverage Drupal `AjaxResponse` but looks like it's only working when there Triggered by Drupal Form's ajax element.

I mean when I can this endpoint from js, I see the response in browser network, but it does not work and not applied.


[{"command":"alert","text":"just to test trigger Drupal command"}]

  path: '/admin/media/picture-park/preset-selector'
    _title: 'Preset Selector Picture Park images as Media'
    _controller: '\Drupal\media_entity_remote_picture_park\Controller\MediaController::presetSelector'
    _permission: 'Remote Image Picture Park: Create new media'

**Controller method:**

  public function presetSelector(): AjaxResponse
    $response = new AjaxResponse();
    $response->addCommand(new AlertCommand("just to test trigger Drupal command"));

    return $response;

So, what I'm looking for is, how can I make Drupal AjaxResponse runs and get executed when the endpoint is called from a custom js?