We have an `Article` content type which has an Entity Reference field called `field_document` that is linked to the `Media` bundle type of `Document`. In `mymodule` we need to write a hook that will take the current `field_document.id` (which maps to `Document.mid`) and return all the `Article` pages where `field_document.target_id = mid`. **Goal** - Take the current node id and retrieve the `Document` entity that is linked to by accessing `field_document` - Using the `field_document` value, return other `Articles` that have the same value for `field_document` - Perform the query in a `hook_preprocess_node()` hook. **Question** 1. How can we retrieve all the nodes based on the $mid? **When we tried** We were able to return all `Articles`. However when we add `->condition('field_document.target_id, $mid)`, we get zero results even though we know there are `Articles` where the `field_document.target_id = $mid`. function mymodule_preprocess_node($variables) { $node = $variables['node']; $linked_document_id = $node->get('field_document')->first()->getValue()['target_id']; $node_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node'); $query = $node_storage->getQuery() ->condition('type', 'article') ->condition('status', 1); $and = $query->andConditionGroup(); $and->condition('field_document', $linked_document_id, '='); $query->condition($and); $results = $query->execute(); // returns zero ksm($results); } We also tried using `$and->condition('field_document.target_id', $linked_document_id, '=');`, but that did not return any results either. Additional steps we tried, but with similar issue. function mymodule_preprocess_node($variables) { $node = $variables['node']; $linked_document_id = $node->get('field_document')->first()->getValue()['target_id']; $node_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node'); $query = $node_storage->getQuery() ->condition('type', 'article') ->condition('status', 1); ->condition('field_document', $linked_document_id, '='); $results = $query->execute(); // returns zero ksm($results); }