The two options I use are Drush and a custom script. For Drush, you can use `drush pm-list`: $ drush help pm-list Show a list of available extensions (modules and themes). Options: --type Filter by extension type. Choices: module, theme. --status Filter by extension status. Choices: enabled, disable and/or 'not installed'. You can use multiple comma separated values. (i.e. --status="disabled,not installed"). --package Filter by project packages. You can use multiple comma separated values. (i.e. --package="Core - required,Other"). --core Filter out extensions that are not in drupal core. --no-core Filter out extensions that are provided by drupal core. --pipe Returns a space delimited list of the names of the resulting extensions. Aliases: pml I also wrote this script for Drupal 6. You need to edit the bootstrap for Drupal 7, and you may also want to tweak the path checking. I put this in a file called modules.php in my DOCROOT and add access restriction around it to prevent it from being called from the wild. <?php include_once './includes/'; drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); header('Content-Type: text/plain'); $files = drupal_system_listing('/\.module$/', 'modules', 'name', 0); system_get_files_database($files, 'module'); ksort($files); $core_installed = array(); $core_enabled = array(); $core_disabled = array(); $contrib_installed = array(); $contrib_enabled = array(); $contrib_disabled = array(); foreach ($files as $info) { $filename = $info->filename; $name = $info->name; $status = $info->status; $contrib = strpos($filename, "sites/all/modules/") === 0; if ($contrib) { $contrib_installed[] = $name; if ($status) $contrib_enabled[] = $name; else $contrib_disabled[] = $name; } else { $core_installed[] = $name; if ($status) $core_enabled[] = $name; else $core_disabled[] = $name; } } print "Installed Core Modules: " . join(", ", $core_installed) . "\n\n"; print "Enabled Core Modules: " . join(", ", $core_enabled) . "\n\n"; print "Disabled Core Modules: " . join(", ", $core_disabled) . "\n\n"; print "Installed Contrib Modules: " . join(", ", $contrib_installed) . "\n\n"; print "Enabled Contrib Modules: " . join(", ", $contrib_enabled) . "\n\n"; print "Disabled Contrib Modules: " . join(", ", $contrib_disabled) . "\n\n"; This script can be called with drush using: `drush scr modules.php`