**FINAL UPDATE** Success! Apparently there were field-level permissions set on several of the CCK fields I needed, in spite of the original developer telling me that content permissions were not enabled. Once I allowed anonymous viewing of the required fields, they displayed with no problem. --- I've created a view with a block display. The view has a grouping field, and in the views ui preview, the output displays as grouped by that field: ![enter image description here][1] When I display the block using my template, though, it's not printing out the grouping info (Advanced Learning Session or General Session). That field is not a standard one, like title - it's a CCK text field on my content type. How do I access that field in my template? I've tried the solutions shown <a href="https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/5974/anyone-any-good-reference-about-the-variables-available-in-the-view-template">here</a> to get a list of available fields, but none of them work. **Edited after trying @schnippy's answer** When I mouse over the field, I see this: ![enter image description here][2] So I tried adding <?php print "session type: ".$fields['field_session_type_value']->content; ?> to my template, but although the "session type:" string prints, there's no value coming through after it. I've also tried writing just the value to the error log, in case there was something weird about combining it with a text string, but still nothing. **Edit again...** Just to provide a bit more info, if it will help - I'm using the <a href="http://drupal.org/project/mobile_jquery">mobile jquery</a> theme, which has a views-view-list.tpl.php file to display views where the output is HTML List. That template looks like this: <?php // $Id: views-view-list.tpl.php,v 1.3 2008/09/30 19:47:11 merlinofchaos Exp $ /** * @file views-view-list.tpl.php * Default simple view template to display a list of rows. * * - $title : The title of this group of rows. May be empty. * - $options['type'] will either be ul or ol. * @ingroup views_templates */ ?> <div data-role="collapsible"> <h3><?php print $title; ?></h3> <<?php print $options['type']; ?> data-role="listview"> <?php foreach ($rows as $id => $row): ?> <li class="<?php print $classes[$id]; ?>"><?php print $row; ?></li> <?php endforeach; ?> </<?php print $options['type']; ?>> </div> I have a number of views that are being displayed via blocks with this template, and for the most part it's fine because they all are grouped by a title field. But for one view, the records are grouped by a CCK field called field_session_type_value, and if the value of that field matches a specific value, I want to print that field instead of `$title`. **Another update** According to views-view.tpl.php, $rows is the variable that views sends out as the results of the view query. Now, if I have multiple fields, I would expect that doing a print_r on $rows would return a multi-dimensional array - each record or row would be an array containing a key/value pair for each field. Like so: Array ( [0] => array('title'=> 'Advanced Consumer and Shopper Insight - An Interactive Symposium', 'session' => 'general-session'), [1] => array('title' => 'Creating a Powerful Brand One Dirty Job at a Time', 'session' => 'advanced-learning') ) (Yes, I realize my pseudocode array is not formatted correctly. But you get the idea.) But that's not what I'm getting. What it's sending back is a single-dimension array, containing just the titles: Array ( [0] => Advanced Consumer and Shopper Insight - An Interactive Symposium [1] => Creating a Powerful Brand One Dirty Job at a Time ) What do I need to do to make sure it sends all the fields through in the $rows array? [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/vYcq4.png [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/k20A1.gif