I've been using Display Suite for Drupal 7 (with Bamboo theme,) and I'm trying to build a layout template that contains 5 rows, so I can place the appropriate fields into each row, making all content nice and tidy. 

I've followed the instructions here, but I'm doing something wrong: https://www.drupal.org/node/1098068

I'm guessing it has to do with the PHP code, because I'm getting errors involving my wrappers. Here is the PHP code for the tpl.php file:

     * @file
     * Display Suite Bamboo custom template.
    <<?php print $layout_wrapper; print $layout_attributes; ?> class="ds-bamboo <?php print $classes;?> clearfix">
      <?php if (isset($title_suffix['contextual_links'])): ?>
      <?php print render($title_suffix['contextual_links']); ?>
      <?php endif; ?>
      <<?php print $first_wrapper ?> class="introduction<?php print $first_classes; ?>">
        <?php print $first; ?>
      </<?php print $first_wrapper ?>>
      <<?php print $second_wrapper ?> class="entry1-group<?php print $second_classes; ?>">
        <?php print $second; ?>
      </<?php print $second_wrapper ?>>
      <<?php print $third_wrapper ?> class="entry2-group<?php print $third_classes; ?>">
        <?php print $third; ?>
      </<?php print $third_wrapper ?>>
    <<?php print $fourth_wrapper ?> class="entry3-group<?php print $third_classes; ?>">
        <?php print $fourth; ?>
      </<?php print $fourth_wrapper ?>>
      <<?php print $footer_wrapper ?> class="group-footer<?php print $footer_classes; ?>">
        <?php print $footer; ?>
      </<?php print $footer_wrapper ?>>
    </<?php print $layout_wrapper ?>>
    <?php if (!empty($drupal_render_children)): ?>
      <?php print $drupal_render_children ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

I think it is very possible I am also writing my .inc file incorrectly. Here is that code as well: 

    function ds_ds_bamboo () {
      return array(
        'label' => t('Bamboo DS'),
        'regions' => array(
            'introduction' => t('Introduction'),
    	'entry1-group' => t('Entry 1'),
    	'entry2-group' => t('Entry 2'),
    	'entry3-group' => t('Entry 3'),
    	'group-footer' => t('Footer'),
        // Add this line if there is a default css file.
        'css' => TRUE,

I would be very appreciative if someone can set me in the right direction. Thank you!