I have actually never needed to use a template file for a form.  
As far as I can see, Drupal core code uses theme functions, when a form, or part of a form needs to be rendered in a particular way; a theme function that calls [drupal_render()](http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes--common.inc/function/drupal_render/6) is normally enough for any purposes.

To reply to the question, creating a template file for a form is not different from creating a template file that is not for a form.

Define a theme function, using as theme function the name of the form builder callback. The code should be similar to the following:

     * Implementation of hook_theme().

     function mymodule_theme() {
       return array(
         'mymodule_form' => array(
           'template' => 'mymodule-form',
           'file' => 'mymodule.admin.inc',
           'arguments' => array('form' => NULL),

If the form contains the value `$form['field_1']`, its value will be available in the template file as `$field_1`. The template file will be also able to use any values passed from `template_preprocess_mymodule_form()`.