I am trying to create a dynamic event subscription, for drupal8 commerce order state.

My use case is the following.
I want to create an invoice for any order which goes into stage e.g. PENDING. There is a custom stage/transition yml which i have created. 
The PENDING state is to be configured in a custom settings form, for my custom module. Therefore the user should be able to add one or more states in a field, and the invoice creation should only be done when an order enters one of these states.

In terms of code, in the event subscriber, i have the following code

public static function getSubscribedEvents() {
    $events = ['commerce_order.place.post_transition' => 'onTriggerInvoiceCreation'];
    return $events;

  public function onTriggerInvoiceCreation(WorkflowTransitionEvent $event) {
    $invoice_creation_states = explode(",", $this->config_factory->get("my_custom_module.settings")->get("invoice_creation_states"));
    $current_state = $event->getToState()->getId();

    if(in_array($current_state, $invoice_creation_states)) {
      //create the invoice

So, a far as i understand, i need to do one of the following

In function getSubscribedEvents, i read the my_module.settings from configuration and find a way to construct the correct event subscriber.

As this function is static, i dont seem to be able to use config factory service.
So next thought is to create a more generic event listener, for all order state changes, and get configuration settings and make the appropriate condition in the corresponding event listener function.

Question: Is there a more generic transition event than

something like