The core Path module defines the page `admin/config/search/path` which gives a listing of all path aliases. 

The menu hook in the module calls the `path_admin_overview` function in `` which makes the query to retrieve a list of URL aliases:

    $query->condition('alias', '%' . preg_replace('!\*+!', '%', $keys) . '%', 'LIKE');

What I would like to do is somehow intercept this query and modify the condition in a custom module (to avoid hacking core, of course). **To be more precise, I want to make it possible to extend the condition to search the `source` column as well as the `alias` column as indicated above.**

My first thought was to intercept the Path admin listing form: `path_admin_filter_form` which I have done using `hook_form_alter`. I was then hoping that somehow I could override the existing submit handler or attach an second one which would call `path_admin_overview`, but of course I cannot directly modify that core function.

So it seems like I would have to make my own custom copy of `path_admin_overview` and modify the code inside, then have that called instead. Of course this doesn't feel right either - since if the Path module changes, the module will fall behind.

Is there some kind of hook or pattern I can employ here to modify the query in `path_admin_overview` or otherwise achieve the goal indicated in bold in a standalone module?

EDIT: It looks like it could be possible if the query in `path_admin_overview` was tagged (it isn't currently), see here: