I have a CMS to which many people can possibly provide data. So, I would want to include all the users who have contributed the data for a node by adding new data or moderating new data, because everyone who contributed for a node deserve themselves to be undersigned. Right now, only the first person who creates the content would be the rightful author. How can I achieve this? I have googled but could not get much help. The closest I could [find was this][1], which still goes unanswered. I have checked [Entity Reference module][2] but I could not get it to auto-fill the author whenever a user edits an existing node. Please help me find a solution, I am not that well versed with PHP programming. Thanks & Regards,<br/> Raj Pawan G [1]: http://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/30501/multiple-author-names-for-one-article-in-drupal-7 [2]: http://drupal.org/project/entityreference