i wasn't able to figure out how to bootstrap the new Drupal instance in the installation directory as i would like, but what worked was creating a separate drush script only for configuring the instance and call it from the installation script as following:
drush_shell_exec('drush ../config/drush-scripts/configure-site.php --debug --build-src=the-make-file-installing-the-site.make');
And the configuration script:
#!/usr/bin/env drush
// check if we can bootstrap
$self = drush_sitealias_get_record('@self');
if (empty($self)) {
drush_die("I can't bootstrap from the current location.", 0);
//go to the install dir
drush_op('chdir', $self['root']);
# Enable modules
$build_file_parsed = drupal_parse_info_file($make_file);
$modules_to_enable = array_diff($build_file_parsed['projects'],array('drupal'));
$modules_enabled = drush_invoke_process("@self", "pm-enable", $modules_to_enable);
drush_print('Modules ' . (($modules_enabled) ? 'WAS' : 'WAS NOT' ). ' Enabled');
# Pre configure settings
# disable user pictures
# allow only admins to register users
# set site slogan
# Configure JQuery update
variable_set('jquery_update_compression_type', "min");
I hope one day it will become apparent why i wasn't able to do all - download, install and configure in one drush script or if you know, please, share