I am trying to get the Category name (from the General form settings) for webforms in a preprocess function, ultimately to add as a class to the webform wrapper. **MYMODULE.module**: function MYMODULE_preprocess_webform(&$variables) { kint($variables); } Right now I don't see a "category" value in the array structure. How do you get this value in preprocess? Maybe I need a different hook? --- **Success!** (though not in preprocess) Inside a custom handler using the `->get()` method. class CustomHandler extends WebformHandlerBase { public function alterForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, WebformSubmissionInterface $webform_submission) { $webformCategory = $webform_submission->getWebform()->get('category'); array_push($form['#attributes']['class'], $webformCategory); } }