I am using taxonomy term view provided by views module. I want taxonomy as exposed filter but I have multiple content types and I want to show only those taxonomies which are relevant to current result. I have 4 content types #1 Health #2 Sports #3 Eye / Sun Glasses #4 Contact Lense Following is the list of all taxonomies Sections, Eyewear Categories, Surgical Categories, Sports Categories, Gender, Contact Lens, Brands, Contact Lenses Lens Types, Eye / Sunglasses Brands, Eye / Sunglasses Frame Type, Health Categories Type, Ophthalmic Lense Brands, Ophthalmic Lense Type, Sports Type Some taxonomies are available in all content types and some are only in one content type. **Sections Taxonomy has 3 terms** Health, Sports and Eyewears so what I want if some one click on health term all the products related to health term displays and on top of them there should be all the filters relevant to health content type How can we achieve this without nesting the taxonomies as child terms ? Is there a way we can create a relation between taxonomies so if the Eyewear term is selected all other terms related to that term should be available as exposed filter