I'm trying to redirect users from an existing path in Drupal 7 to another existing path. I want to implement the following rule: <code>comment/reply/123</code> should redirect to <code>node/123#comment-form</code> But <code>comment/reply/123/456</code> should NOT redirect anywhere and just go where it goes. I've tried to implement this behavior with hook_menu(), but here's the problem. When I register an item with the path <code>'comment/reply/%'</code> that corresponds to <code>comment/reply/123</code>, it automatically includes paths like <code>comment/reply/123/456</code>. I know that's intended and changed my code to include this case, but can't figure out how to redirect users only when they hit <code>comment/reply/123</code>. Here's my code: <pre><code> function mymodule_menu() { $items = array(); $items['comment/reply/%/%'] = array( 'title' => 'bla', 'page callback' => '_mymodule_redirect', 'page arguments' => array(0, 1), 'access callback' => TRUE, 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); return $items; } function _mymodule_redirect($node_id, $comment_id) { if(isset($comment_id)) { return; //I want to just go to comment/reply/123/456 here, but it gives me a blank page } else { drupal_goto('node/' . $node_id . '#comment-form'); } } </code></pre> So how do I go where I want to go?