My problem is this, I have a **Book Listing** content type and a **Series** content type. Both of these have a **Book Series** taxonomy term applied to them. What I want to do is override the **Series** page with panels and embed a view that will list every book with a matching **Book Series** tag. What I've tried is creating a content pane view with a contextual filter of "Content: Book Series", Argument input set to "From context", and Required Context set to "Book Series". I've inserted the view and set the argument to the only one available: "Node being viewed". I've tried everything I could think of including creating contexts and relationships in the panel, creating relationships in the view, etc... I'm at my wit's end here. At the moment I'm relying on a separate view page to show what I want, but it's making the site navigation a pain to deal with. What am I doing wrong here and where can I find a good explanation of contexts?