I'm grateful for the amazing organic groups module, which I am using for a civil society and social economy network platform.

I have a question, which I think would be interesting for others too. I couldn't find the answer anywhere.

Usecase: I have a page (in page manager) which outputs a tab in og_group nodes, showing a view of og_group content. Specifically, og_group are organizations, and og_group contents are events. So I'm showing events of each organization in a separete tab.

So, I wish this tab "events" to be visibile only if there is at least one node of type "event" listed as group content of the og_group page being viewed.

In order to do this, I am trying to use page manager access rules, which, to quote specific documentation:

> are used to test if the page is accessible and any menu items
> associated with it are visible.

The "only" og related rules available are:

> "Node is an OG group" 
> "Node is an OG group content" 
> "user membership in group" 
> "user permissions in group"

So, I think my login is possible with the generic "php code" rule. But I'm no coder, yet.

Anybody could give me a hint about what code should I write to check if te viewed node (which is an OG group) has at least one event associated with it as group content?


Config: D7 7.41, php 5.2.4, og 7.x-2.7, ctools 7.x-1.8