I'm trying to create a CSS class called `.bg-unit-color` which will change depending on the taxonomy reference chosen  

I've set up a course category taxonomy and then set up a color field within it using jQuery Colorpicker module.  I've got to the point where I can render the color in my node--example.tpl.php file with the following:

echo render($category_color);

I've also used the drupal_add_css function in my template.php file, so this works:

drupal_add_css(".bg-unit-color {background-color: $new_color;}", 'inline');`

However I can't marry the two together to create what I'd like to do which is this:

`drupal_add_css(".bg-unit-color {background-color: $category_color;}", 'inline');`

Any help would be massively appreciated. Thanks in advance