I always follow Symfony standards when it comes to helper functions. I normally have one module for developer-central stuff where I add a class under `src/Utils` for that and then call it everywhere I need it. Also in `*.module` or `*.theme` files.


    namespace Drupal\my_system\Utils;
     * Class MyHelperFunctions.
    class MyHelperFunctions {
       * Get current multi-site directory name.
       * @return string
       *   The basename of the matching multi-site directory.
      public static function getMultiSiteAlias() {
        $site_path = \Drupal::service('site.path');
        $site      = explode('/', $site_path);
        return $site[1];


    use Drupal\my_system\Utils\MyHelperFunctions;
     * Implements template_preprocess_html().
    function my_theme_preprocess_html(&$variables) {
      // Add multi-site body class.
      $site = MyHelperFunctions::getMultiSiteAlias();
      $variables['attributes']['class'][] = 'site-' . $site;