After indexing the items aren't visible on the page. The index does work, but after refreshing the page, the indexed items aren't shown on the page. View index > Queue all items for reindexing > Index now > {the indexing operation works but the items don't show} I installed the facet api and search api again, but nothing changes. Warning messages in solr: XML parse warning in "solrres:/schema.xml", line 537, column 89: Include operation failed, reverting to fallback. Resource error reading file as XML (href='schema_extra_fields.xml'). Reason: Can't find resource 'schema_extra_fields.xml' in classpath or '/Users/{namePC}/Desktop/solr-4.10.2/drupal-search/solr/collection1/conf' Multiple requestHandler registered to the same name: /update ignoring: org.apache.solr.handler.UpdateRequestHandler [collection1] PERFORMANCE WARNING: Overlapping onDeckSearchers=2 I'm using a solr server. Does anyone know what the problem is?