I'm creating an installation profile. Currently, `hook_install()` contains only this: /** * Implements hook_install(). */ function myprofile_install() { \Drupal::service('config.factory')->getEditable('system.site')->set('name', 'My Site')->save(); } Still, after installation is completed (using Drush) the site name is always "Drupal". The code works if I paste it into Devel's _Execute PHP_ after the site is installed. Another option I tried is overriding system.site.yml within my profile, which won't load because I wrote `uuid: ''`. (I don't know how to leave the already-generated UUID.) How can I set the site name during installation in my custom profile? ---------- **EDIT**: I found out the following: * The site name gets overwritten when the install configuration form is submitted by Drush, using the values provided by Drush (including site name) * The installation profile must provide a translation of the site information for each enabled language (I have more than one). I assume I'll do this with the core module Configuration Translate.