I have a content type called `foo` and it has a textfield called `field_bar`. I have one that has a value set to `baz`.

I'd like to use the [EntityFieldQuery][1] object to find all `foo`s that have `field_bar` with the `baz` value.

    $nodeQuery = new EntityFieldQuery();
      $nodeQuery->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node', '=')
        ->entityCondition('bundle', 'foo') 
        ->fieldCondition('field_bar', 'value', '12345', '=');

The problem is that I get no results or error back. If I remove the fieldCondition, I get all `foo`s including the one I am looking for.

As the documentation is vague and only for experts, I googled a lot, but can't find any reason for my query not returning my node.

I also tried with

  ->fieldCondition('field_bar', 'value', array('12345'), '=');

to see if that matters, but its the same. I `dd`-ed the `$nodeQuery` but can't see the executed SQL.

Is there anything special with textfields?

  [1]: https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes!entity.inc/class/EntityFieldQuery/7