If I understand your question correctly, you want to write a module that hooks into the whois module to alter the returned content. The general method has been described here: http://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/73880/hooking-into-a-contrib-module Unfortunately, the whois module doesn't provide a hook. However, you can change the output through preprocessing, for example in your theme's template.php file, or in your custom module (see also: https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules!system!theme.api.php/function/hook_preprocess_HOOK/7): function yourthemeormodule_preprocess_block(&$variables, $hook) { if (isset($variables['elements']['whois_lookup_data'])) { $whois_modified = yourtheme_modify_whois($variables['elements']['whois_lookup_data']['#children']); $variables['elements']['whois_lookup_data']['#children'] = $whois; $variables['content'] = $variables['elements']['whois_lookup_data']['#children']; } } function yourthemeormodule_modify_whois($content) { // do what you want to do to modify the output return $altered_content; }