We are just trying to gain a deeper understanding of Drupal forms and how to manipulate and render them as needed. We have a module installed which allows uses to edit and create content through a form. The module renders the form on its own edit/create page. We would like to render the edit/create forms on a different page with other content. Below are a few functions which we believe render the forms. (if not which function should we be looking for??) /** * Page callback for creating a customer profile of a given type. */ function commerce_addressbook_profile_create($account, $profile_type) { // Add the breadcrumb for the form's location. commerce_addressbook_set_breadcrumb($account, $profile_type); $profile = commerce_customer_profile_new($profile_type, $account->uid); // The submit handler needs an indication that the profile was just added. // The regular is_new property gets unset after save is complete. $profile->_is_new = TRUE; module_load_include('inc', 'commerce_customer', 'includes/commerce_customer_profile.forms'); return drupal_get_form('commerce_addressbook_customer_profile_form', $profile); } /** * Page callback for editing a customer profile. */ function commerce_addressbook_profile_options_edit($account, $customer_profile) { // Add the breadcrumb for the form's location. commerce_addressbook_set_breadcrumb($account, $customer_profile->type); // If the profile is referenced by an order, make sure it gets duplicated. $profile = clone($customer_profile); if (!commerce_customer_profile_can_delete($customer_profile)) { $profile->previous_id = $profile->profile_id; unset($profile->profile_id); unset($profile->revision_id); $profile->is_new = TRUE; } module_load_include('inc', 'commerce_customer', 'includes/commerce_customer_profile.forms'); return drupal_get_form('commerce_addressbook_customer_profile_form', $profile); } What is the process for calling these functions (if they are the ones we are looking for) into a TPL page? ---------- ---------- ---------- **EASY TO READ COMMENTS:** I have added the follow to template.php within my theme directory function THEME_preprocess_page(&$variables){ module_load_include('inc', 'commerce_addressbook', 'includes/commerce_addressbook.user'); $variables['profile_form'] = commerce_addressbook_profile_options_edit($account, $customer_profile); } I have also included the following with a page tpl file. <?php print render($profile_form); ?> This results in the page returning a 500 error. (commenting out the variables line allows the page to load.)