If you are looking to print a menu tree, then it's answered [here][1]. I have tried this and solution worked ! <?php $tree = menu_tree_page_data('menu-name'); // Replace menu-name with menu name you want to print $first_level = db_query("SELECT mlid FROM {menu_links} where menu_name = 'menu-name' and plid = 0 ORDER BY weight ASC"); while ($item = db_fetch_object($first_level)) { $mlid = $item->mlid; // Extract subtree $subtree = admin_console_menu_get_subtree($tree, $mlid); // Render as HTML menu list $content .= menu_tree_output($subtree); } return $content; ?> /** * Extract a specific subtree from a menu tree based on a menu link id (mlid) * * @param array $tree * A menu tree data structure as returned by menu_tree_all_data() or menu_tree_page_data() * @param int $mlid * The menu link id of the menu entry for which to return the subtree * @return array * The found subtree, or NULL if no entry matched the mlid */ function admin_console_menu_get_subtree($tree, $mlid) { // Check all top level entries foreach ($tree as $key => $element) { // Is this the entry we are looking for? if ($mlid == $element['link']['mlid']) { // Yes, return while keeping the key return array($key => $element); } else { // No, recurse to children, if any if ($element['below']) { $submatch = admin_console_menu_get_subtree($element['below'], $mlid); // Found wanted entry within the children? if ($submatch) { // Yes, return it and stop looking any further return $submatch; } } } } // No match at all return NULL; } [1]: https://web.archive.org/web/20130202051715/http://www.anilsagar.com/tips/drupal-tips/how-print-menu-tree-using-php-code-drupal-6