To achieve your desired behavior you have two options.

If you really like to filter by using a subquery, you should execute it first, parse its result set to an array and set this array as parameter to the condition method of your second queries db_select:

    // Run your subquery first.
    $subquery = db_select('referential', 'r')
      ->fields('r', array('job'))
      ->condition('r.category', 'j.category')
      ->condition('r.label', $label)
      ->condition('r.activity', $activity);
    $result = $query->execute()->fetchAllAssoc('job');

    // Make sure $results is initialized for further evaluation.
    $results = array();

    // If we have referential results, execute the query on job orders.
    if (!empty($result)) {
      $query = db_select('job_orders', 'j')
        ->condition('j.statut', 'To do')
        ->condition('j.job', array_keys($result), 'IN');
      $results = $query->execute();

The far more elegant and therefore suggested solution is to using an [INNER JOIN][1] on your query. The target query would look like:

    SELECT j.*
      FROM job_orders j
      INNER JOIN referential r ON (r.job = j.job)
      WHERE j.statut = 'To do' AND r.label = :label AND r.activity = :activity

You can achieve this solution using db_select by adding a [join][2] to your $query:

      // Run the query using an INNER JOIN.
      $query = db_select('job_orders', 'j')
        ->join('referential', 'r', 'r.job = j.job');
        ->condition('j.statut', 'To do')
        ->condition('r.label', $label)
        ->condition('r.activity', $activity);
      $results = $query->execute();

As I don't see any special reason for using db_select in your use case, I'd also suggest on sticking to db_query here for better performance of your application.

**Edit 2:**
In the above 'solutions' I have overseen you are using two conditions between the tables. In this case, you have to add both conditions to your JOIN:

    SELECT j.*
      FROM job_orders j
      INNER JOIN referential r ON (r.job = j.job AND r.category = j.category)
      WHERE j.statut = 'To do' AND r.label = :label AND r.activity = :activity

Which would need the following db_select:

      $query = db_select('job_orders', 'j')
        ->join('referential', 'r', 'r.job = j.job AND r.category = j.category');
        ->condition('j.statut', 'To do')
        ->condition('r.label', $label)
        ->condition('r.activity', $activity);
      $results = $query->execute();
