I'm struggling to figure out relationship between MenuLink and MenuLinkContent.

I'm creating new menu item like:

    $menuItem = MenuLinkContent::create($params);

And that works well. Now if I need one of those object I want to get it's "siblings" - other object that share same parent. 
I have some weird structure:

    $this->menuLinkManager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.menu.link');
    $parentId = $menuItem->getParentId();
    $parent = $this->menuLinkManager->createInstance($this->menuLinkManager->getDefinition($parentId)['id']);

And here I'm getting it's parent, but it's not MenuLinkContent object any more but instance of MenuLinkInterface. It has some fields as MenuLinkContent, but not all. I.e. I don't know how to get link path and similar.

There I can go further:

    $siblings = $this->menuLinkManager->getChildIds($parent->getPluginId());

But main question is h**ow to get MenuLinkContent when I have that MenuLinkInterface object?**

Sub-question - why oh why is needed this parallel menu system and parallel menu classes?