I have managed to add a Jquery accordion content page to my Drupal7 site by following the instructions/code given here:


However the height on the drop down fields is not being calculated correctly. Some are too long with lots of white space, others are too short meaning a scroll bar is added to view all the text. It appears to be taking all the heights of each field and using that to calculate an average height which it then applies. 

I have tried the default bartik theme, as well as my custom theme, functionality is the same on both so not a css issue, but a problem with the jquery itself. 

On top of this, using html list elements stops it working all together, just messes up the formatting completely. 

For an example of what is going wrong visit this page:

I do not have any idea where or how to edit the Jquery to fix this problem and certainly don't really want to be hacking core.

Many thanks,