> I can code a little but I'm not very good so I'm having trouble
> finding an approach to implement this.

I started 7 years ago from zero. I only knew HTML and CSS. I learned and mastered Rules & Views. But like 4 years ago, I ran into scenarios like this one where the existing modules didn't quite do what I needed or felt I had to do overkill/bulky-overhead workarounds. So I learned PHP from free online sources and I learned how to create custom modules in Drupal.

I highly suggest you improve your backend/coding game. Specially since Rules in D8 is barebones compared to D7.

> I tried to build this in Views. The problem I encountered was that it
> is very difficult to iterate through the subdivision entity reference
> field and filter out the previous and next links.

While it's possible to **programmatically** solve it with Views, it feels over-kill/unnecessary to do this in Views just for prev and next links. A better approach is to create `prev_url` and `next_url` variables for Twig. Using a preprocess function we can create and pass those variables to the appropriate template file, node.html.twig in this case.

In **mytheme.theme** 

     * Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for node.html.twig.
    function mytheme_preprocess_node(&$variables) {
      $node = $variables['elements']['#node']; // obtain current page node object
      if ($node->getType() == 'page') { // check it's a "page" content type
        $page_nid = $node->id(); // get the current page node id
        // get Chapter nid using Entity Field Query
        $query = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')
          ->condition('type', 'chapter')
          ->condition('field_reference', $page_nid); // check if current page NID is set on any Chapter's reference field
        $chapter_nids = $query->execute(); // returns array of Chapter nids
        if (!empty($chapter_nids)) { // check we have a result
          $chapter_nid = reset($chapter_nids); // Extracts the first array value, since we assume current page can only belong to one Chapter.
          $chapter_node = Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($chapter_nid); // load chapter node
          $referenced_page_nodes = $chapter_node->field_reference; // get referenced nodes
          foreach ($referenced_page_nodes as $key => $referenced_item) { // loop though referenced nodes
            if ($referenced_item->entity) {
              if ($node->id() == $referenced_item->entity->id()) { // check if current page nid equals referenced nid
                $prev_key = $key - 1; // we'll use these keys to access prev/next values
                $next_key = $key + 1;
                if (!empty($referenced_page_nodes[$prev_key])) { // check if previous key exists
                  $prev_url = $referenced_page_nodes[$prev_key]->entity->toUrl()->toString(); // get prev URL
                  $variables['prev_url'] = $prev_url; // creates prev_url variable in node.html.twig
                if (!empty($referenced_page_nodes[$next_key])) { // check if next key exists
                  $next_url = $referenced_page_nodes[$next_key]->entity->toUrl()->toString(); // get next URL
                  $variables['next_url'] = $next_url; // creates next_url variable in node.html.twig
                break; // since we found it, exit from loop as no point in continuing to loop through.

<sub>**Note:** Rename `field_reference` (2 places) to the machine name of your actual reference field in Chapter content type.</sub>

In **node.html.twig**, you can place them after the `{{ content }}` part

    {% if prev_url is not empty %}
      <span><a href="{{ prev_url }}">{{ 'Previous page'|t }}</a></span>
    {% endif %}
    {% if next_url is not empty %}
      <span><a href="{{ next_url }}">{{ 'Next page'|t }}</a></span>
    {% endif %}