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Use it for questions about rendering or modifying the HTML markup produced by a module/theme.

1 vote

What license can I apply for a theme I sell?

If you are developing a theme(free or premium), you must do so under the terms of the GPL, as it is a derivative work of Drupal. In case you haven't read this:
Badri's user avatar
  • 821
5 votes

How can I hide node titles only for displayed nodes, and not node edit forms?

You could add a check to see if you are editing the node, like function mytheme_alpha_preprocess_page(&$vars) { if (isset($vars['node']) && $vars['node']->type == 'episode') { if(arg(2) != 'edi …
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1 vote

Where to start with creating the theme for selling?

Themeforest audience is mostly end users. So, it does not matter what base theme you use as long as it makes you more productive. That said, unlike Wordpress where you just upload the theme files zip …
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1 vote

Why we go for template files and why we go for theme function?

Both theme functions and template files are useful under different contexts. Tpl files are used if there isn't much preprocessing logic involved. These are the views equivalent in an MVC architecture. …
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0 votes

_preprocess_views_view__ specify view name

Sure, that depends on which version of Drupal you are using though. Watch out for this issue. It says that you can't have a views preprocess function unless you have a corresponding tpl file.
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16 votes
7 answers

How do I theme checkout pages?

how do I theme the cart and checkout pages in Drupal commerce? I have set content, account, billing, and payment parts. Is there any --.tpl.php file to create?
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1 vote
3 answers

theming a CCK input form

How do I theme a CCK input form? I tried the approach given in this page, but it is not working even after I clear the cache. Here are the steps. Suppose your content-type is: "account_registration" …
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1 vote

theme_links() override has no effect

You can override the menu wrapper in this manner: function YOURTHEME_menu_tree__MENU_NAME($variables) { return '<nav class="menu'.$variables['delta'].'">' . $variables['tree'] . '</nav>'; }
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3 votes

What is the fastest way to convert a large volume of documents (.html) to drupal nodes

If you have a lot of docx files(which you do), then it is really worth the effort to write a custom migration class using the migrate module. Something similar has been done before and documented.
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0 votes

How to display a Paragraph field with a condition

Depending on how complex your logic is, you can either write it inside the paragraph preprocess function, as in: function THEME-NAME_preprocess_paragraph_PARAGRAPH-TYPE($variables, $paragraph) { if …
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