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The most basic form of content on a Drupal site is a node.

1 vote

different drop down list for different nodes

Views + Node Reference. Create new Views, that handle arguments of current node and filter agents by required bank.
Nikit's user avatar
  • 4,039
46 votes

Is there a function to get the list of nodes by type?

Drupal 6 $nodes = db_query('SELECT nid FROM {node} WHERE type="%s"', $type); Drupal 7 $nodes = node_load_multiple(array(), array('type' => $type)); Drupal 8 $nids = \Drupal::entityQuery('node') ->condition … ('type', 'NODETYPE') ->execute(); $nodes = \Drupal::entityTypeManager() ->getStorage('node') ->loadMultiple($nids); …
Nikit's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I allow users to determine which other users can edit their content?

You can use Content Access + ACL, but carefully read instructions. Also i can recommend Rules modules, there you can control flows of node and it's access (but you should have "little" knowledge of ph …
Nikit's user avatar
  • 4,039
3 votes

Change content types

As of 5.x-1.4 you can bulk convert many nodes of the same type, to another one that can be accesed in Administer-> Content -> Convert Nodes. …
Nikit's user avatar
  • 4,039
1 vote

Custom OG Node Type

Just use the following code: variable_set('og_content_type_usage_'. $type, 'group');
Nikit's user avatar
  • 4,039
1 vote

Loop through nodes of same content type

You can use Views for looping throug nodes. … Just build Views that show list of certain nodes, then call it into your template file, like this: print views_embed_view('VIEWNAME', 'DISPLAY_ID'); But creating for each page one node template file is …
Nikit's user avatar
  • 4,039
2 votes

"Node Recommendation" Module alternatives

May be relatedcontent. . But I prefer Views for this as more flexible tools.
Nikit's user avatar
  • 4,039
1 vote

Should I be using node_load() rather than building my own queries with db_select()?

node_load() is the "Drupal way"; it means that, by calling this function, the API sends message to modules when node loading has started, so these can add/change/remove their own information. Yes, eve …
Nikit's user avatar
  • 4,039
2 votes

Bulk import module

Feeds - Import or aggregate data as nodes, users, taxonomy terms or simple database records. Node import - Node import allows users to import content (node, user, taxonomy) from CSV or TSV files. … Node export - This module allows users to export nodes and then import it into another Drupal installation, or on the same site. …
Nikit's user avatar
  • 4,039
1 vote

Menu management options in Drupal 7

Hierarchical Select - with "hs_menu" submodule this module allow built "hierarchical" select of parent for menu.
Nikit's user avatar
  • 4,039
2 votes

Add link to topic list after new topic or comment submission

There's count of ways to do it, one of these: Rules module. Just add condition on node or comment adding, and add action for redirecting. For taking correct forum page of node or comment, I assume you …
Nikit's user avatar
  • 4,039
0 votes

indexing nodes and links in views

Use for noindexing concrete nodes. Or modify robots.txt for excluding count of nodes, Disallow: /node/, for example, next help for you: Robots.txt Tutorial. …
Nikit's user avatar
  • 4,039
0 votes

How to attach node to user profile?

Please read documentation of this module. Another doc googled. Screencast. About Profile2 module: As described in the documentation Drupal 7 allows adding fields to user account pages - what serves a …
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