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Find all content that has Paragraph Content

If you want to remove a paragraph type of my_paragraph_type, but the site says there is content that must be deleted before you can remove, you can use this query to find the exact nodes for the ...
sagesolutions's user avatar
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Create a link pointing to #

As @4uk4 pointed out the following example would work, except if it's applied to a page routed as canonical URL, this will result not rendering the route that is currently being visited, eg. on a ...
Geert's user avatar
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How do I add a class to local task links in Twig template?

The accepted answer will remove all other attributes from the link such as data attributes. In Drupal these are used for Javascript and AJAX. In other words it has the potential to break things. Here'...
maskedjellybean's user avatar
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How to get all services that are tagged with a specific tag in *.services.yml?

You need to implement a service collector to collect your tagged services there is a good explanation about this in the Collecting Services Drupal documentation Take a look at this example: # core....
Adrian Cid Almaguer's user avatar
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Search results only for the current language

There's a community contributed module that aims to solve this issue: Search by current language. There's no configuration needed, it just a matter of installing and enabling the module and use Drupal'...
Rolando Isidoro's user avatar
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How to access entity from EntityReferenceItem?

It will save memory to load and process each referenced node individually: $node_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node'); foreach ($entity->field_name as $reference) { $...
Liam Morland's user avatar
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I want to place my business page linkedin feed onto our Drupal website. Is it possible?

Yes, you can embed your LinkedIn business page feed on a Drupal website to display your latest updates and enhance visitor engagement. Here are the best ways to do it: Manual Method (Post-by-Post): Go ...
Kevin Orton's user avatar
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How to change the Add another item button text for a multivalued field?

The suggestion from @beltouche is right. You will want to use the hook_form_alter function. You are on the right path using a custom module. In your mymodule.module file, you want to check and make ...
serverjohn's user avatar

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