8 votes

How to install a module which includes a different version of Symfony?

So, I think if CiviCRM were installed into Drupal 8 via composer (ie. composer require civicrm/civicrm-core in the Drupal root) and CiviCRM's use of Symfony was compatible with Symfony 2.8 or 3.x (ie. ...
David Snopek's user avatar
5 votes

How to install a module which includes a different version of Symfony?

I don't think this is possible. Drupal 8.4 actually already switched to Symfony 3 although there are still similar discussions related to drush, which has the same problem. see Drush 8.x doesn't ...
Berdir's user avatar
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5 votes

Hook name in module doesn't seem to work

there is no hook_buildForm() hook in Drupal. The hook you are trying to implement is hook_civicrm_buildForm(), so to get it work you should use mymodule_civicrm_buildForm(). You can always use ...
Alireza Tabatabaeian's user avatar
4 votes

Drush command to run cron won't work in Crontab

I ran into a similar issue multiple times. I think in all cases cron was running a different version of php. To fix I ended up having to define my php path in my drush call: */5 * * * * /usr/local/...
albertski's user avatar
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1 vote

Why are new users having their role deleted on signup?

The problem was caused by the module 'Civigroup Roles Sync'. Adding the new user with a role that was synced to CiviCRM caused the user's role to be dropped because in CiviCRM they weren't in that ...
Andy Clark's user avatar
1 vote

Webform Rules - Create a Drupal User

You can use a technique similar to what is described in my answer to "How to do a data comparison to submitted webform data when using the Rules module?". For short: Add an extra Rules Action to Add ...
Pierre.Vriens's user avatar
1 vote

How to install a module which includes a different version of Symfony?

Theoretically the only issues here are the file location and class namespace. Unfortunately the only tools I know of in composer for doing that don't let you specify per VERSION, just per package name....
Ohthehugemanatee's user avatar
1 vote

How to define Views filters and relationships for custom Civicrm contact fields that are indexed via Search API?

If this is about getting Membership fields showing in the ADD RELATED FIELDS selector at the bottom of admin/config/search/search_api/index//fields then I expect this is a civicrm entity issue in ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
1 vote

Controlling the display order of custom field sets that are shown both in a webform and in CiviCRM, via the webform_civicrm integration module

This bug was resolved in CiviCRM 4.5.2, the relevant issue was CRM-15435: Case ActivityView popups do not respect custom group weights.
Chris Burgess's user avatar

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