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5 votes

How do I alter a table by using AFTER in hook update?

This isn't supported by the MySQL driver included with core (Drupal\mysql\Driver\Database\mysql\Schema). You'll either need to keep using the custom query method you mentioned, or create your own ...
Clive's user avatar
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CPU high usage and database down after performing delete token

In Drupal 7, you could delete strings from the UI. In Drupal 8, it seems that porting this feature was accidentally overlooked. There is an MR to restore deleting strings from the UI, which is safer ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
1 vote

How to manually delete a node from the database knowing its id

I ended up getting this from ChatGPT but it worked really well. Make sure to add the tables you need (may need other with extensions and other things) -- Delete nodes DELETE FROM drhp_node WHERE nid ...
Stal's user avatar
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