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pmagunia's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
6 votes

How can I override strings?

5 votes

What is the command that replaces 'drush variable-set'?

5 votes

Simple way to add a class to the body when creating/editing an entity

4 votes

How do I get the route name of a view page?

4 votes

How do I modify a webform submission field right before it is saved?

2 votes

How do I restrict GraphQL access with Basic Auth?

2 votes

How to change the drush default timeout of 14400?

2 votes

Create a distribution

1 vote

Why does the upload progress bar reset at 40% when uploading large files?

1 vote

Syncing content between stage and prod

1 vote

How to alter file upload description text

1 vote

Changing the Moderation State Control Box input to a textarea

1 vote

REGEX_REPLACE error when running DB query from update hook

1 vote

Multisite drupal bootstrap

1 vote

How to implement a simple shopping cart without Commerce and Ubercart?

1 vote

Import test data to theme?

0 votes

Configuring Fail2ban for the r4032login module

0 votes

Drupal console set site:mode

0 votes

Mismatched entity and/or field definitions

0 votes

BrowserTest on a multisite gives an error

0 votes

deleting comments in bulk

0 votes

How can I view the IP addresses of visitors who view the home page of my site?

0 votes

Error messages when running "drush verify-makefile" on a generated make file

0 votes

Missing Fields When Adding Content

0 votes

How To Override Webform's Submission Template in Drupal 8

0 votes

How do I implement hook_views_query_alter()?

0 votes

How do I use a "contains" operation as restful contextual filter for text fields

0 votes

Site seems to miss the "private" wrapper, how can I fix it?

0 votes

How do I access a field value for an entity (e.g. node) object?

0 votes

how to change the size of an exposed filter autocomplete form?